NYSE Technologies has opened its latest Liquidity Center installation located in Tokyo, Japan. With growth in Asian markets outpacing many others in the world, the NYSE Technologies Tokyo Liquidity Center offers customers the ability to access these markets with unparalleled speed and reliability with minimal infrastructure costs and a dramatically decreased time to market of only a few weeks to begin trading.
As a result of several recently deployed trading platforms and enhanced data feeds, Tokyo markets have experienced increased trading activity and a consolidation of liquidity from a robust community of traders and vendors, many of which are already members of the Metabit network acquired by NYSE Technologies in September 2011. Through the Liquidity Center’s low-cost, high performance product suite, customers can access key Asian markets, market information and other essential electronic trading infrastructure services utilising NYSE Technologies’ SFTI® network and other familiar infrastructure services, including the Capital Markets Community Platform. The Tokyo Liquidity Center joins existing facilities in the US and London with additional centers launching in Toronto and Brazil in the coming months.
“In working with our customers to identify their primary trading needs and opportunities, we found that Tokyo and the surrounding Asian markets were a very high priority,” says Stanley Young, CEO, NYSE Technologies. “Our Tokyo Liquidity Center addresses those needs with a powerful blend of proven, familiar NYSE Technologies services with seamless connections to all major Tokyo markets. With little to no hardware investment or complicated maintenance, we can have customers connected in just a few weeks as compared to the challenging expense and arduous process of designing, building and maintaining a similar infrastructure themselves.”
The NYSE Technologies Tokyo Liquidity Center was built to facilitate seamless access to key markets and market information in Asia, including the Tokyo Stock Exchange’s new Tdex+ system and arrownetTM network. Offering a fully managed, broker neutral trading infrastructure solution that utilizes the technology expertise and customer network recently acquired in the Metabit transaction, the liquidity centers also feature many of the same components customers already use to access NYSE Euronext’s global exchanges. Each installation will feature a turn-key portfolio of trading products that include full-featured connectivity, market data, order transmission and risk management services with world-class customer support.