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Truss Edge launches widget designer and new compliance tools within core technology

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Fund management technology platform Truss Edge has released the second phase of its Insight analytics as part of its May software release, bringing unique perspectives and a much higher level of configurability to fund manager operations.

Insight was released earlier this year to provide fund managers with a clearer perspective of critical data within their middle and back office, including mission critical data flows. The new additions expand and improve the available reporting tools for fund managers, bringing unprecedented levels of operational control and oversight.
The new release underpins Truss Edge’s commitment to highly configurable fund management tools with scope for users to design reporting widgets within Insight to support their own in-house reporting requirements.

“Similar to our Report Designer, the Widget Designer deploys widgets that can be used on the Insight dashboard,” explained Truss Edge CEO Jay Duffy. “This means that most widgets do not need to be built by our engineers but instead are produced by expert business analysts and users can then select those that they find beneficial.”
Truss Edge has also enhanced the platform’s compliance functionality: the Order Management System (OMS) now allows managers to implement compliance controls on external trades that include regulatory rules (eg UCITS, MIFID II, SEC) as well as any other manager-specific requirements. This is achieved via an Order Limits Matrix.

“These rules can be quite complex but ensure that the business complies with any number of controls which it requires,” said Dave Shastri, Head of Strategy at Truss Edge. “The latest release extends from our use of our Order Limits Matrix for those that are natively entered, or FIX orders to now include new imports.”

These additions will make work processes more efficient and further support the automation of client fund manager operations.
Truss Edge has also added enhancements around trade reconciliations, including filters that will only show managers mismatches when they occur. Reconciliations enhancements within the release also focus on cash activity, including cash breaks and more responsiveness to user preferences on how reconciliations are performed.

Truss Edge technology is noted for the high level of configurability it offers asset managers. Other enhancements from the latest software release address this, allowing users to control their configuration preferences and set up these preferences for reconciliations.

Filtering of counterparties when mapping ETFs has also been introduced, while deports can also now be delivered in Excel format via email or file transfer.

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