Just two of IndexIQ’s family of seven investable hedge fund indices recorded positive returns in January.
The IQ Hedge Global Macro Beta Index and the IQ Hedge Fixed Income Arbitrage Beta Index were the two positive performers last month with returns of 1.54 per cent and 1.83 per cent respectively.
The worst performer for the month was the IQ Hedge Emerging Markets Beta Index (-2.18 per cent), while the IQ Hedge Long/Short Beta Index (-1.68 per cent), the IQ Hedge Event-Driven Beta Index (-1.39 per cent), the IQ Hedge Market Neutral Beta Index (-0.70 per cent) and the IQ Hedge Composite Beta Index (-0.44 per cent) all produced negative returns too.
Designed as investable benchmarks that replicate the performance characteristics of sophisticated hedge fund strategies, the IQ Hedge benchmark indices were originally introduced on 30 March 2007 and have been calculating live since that date.
IndexIQ indices underlie a variety of investment products globally including ETFs, mutual funds, and institutional accounts.