Whitebox Selected Research – the new research curation portal launched by the Minnesota-based hedge fund Whitebox Advisors – is sponsoring a new contest for research papers published in 2011 that have made an outstanding contribution to the art and science of investment.
The goal is for Whitebox Selected Research to illuminate valuable published research that deserves to be recognised, with the author of the winning paper receiving a prize of USD25,000.
Additional prizes for honourable mention may be awarded for other meritorious submissions, as designated “finalists,” up to a total of twelve. Papers will be judged and prizes will be awarded according to criteria and procedures established solely by Whitebox Selected Research.
Prize winners will be announced not later than April 15, 2012. Finalists may be named at any point prior to the announcement of the prize winners. Prize-winning papers and f inalists will be republished by permission in the Whitebox Selected Research Anthology of the Best Financial Research of 2011, to be published during 2012.
"At Whitebox Advisors we’ve always believe sound ideas breed sound investing. So we’ve always placed a premium on finding fresh investment insights, especially when backed by powerful research,” says Richard Vigilante, Director of Research for Whitebox Advisors and project leader for Whitebox Selected Research.
“We decided to focus on publicising and curating already published material for several reasons. “For almost a decade, Whitebox under Andy Redleaf’s direction, has maintained a USD7-figure commitment to funding original investment research through Yale University’s program in behavioural finance. Moreover, with the floods of research pouring out almost unnoticed from academic and industry sources today, we want to motivate our entire community–academics, money managers, and journalists alike–to help us identify and publicise the best work that can truly help asset managers, investors, and the US economy.
“With all the economic stress in the world today, top-notch asset allocation—devoting our nation’s resources to their highest and best use—is enormously important for America. At their best that’s what markets do,” he says. “But good markets need good ideas.”