Bain Capital Credit has implemented Hazeltree Collateral Manager to streamline collateral management across ISDA counterparties.
A major driver for Bain Capital Credit’s evaluation and selection of Hazeltree Collateral Manager is the upcoming Uncleared Margin (UMR) and Standard Initial Margin Model (SIMM), which are coming sharply into focus for end-users on non-centrally cleared derivatives.
Hazeltree Collateral Manager enables Bain Capital Credit to: streamline, aggregate and centralise its OTC collateral management activities; compare and reconcile internal, independently-calculated OTC collateral call estimates against each counterparty’s calls; and, seamlessly respond to, issue, or dispute daily margin calls via all eligible cash and non-cash assets.
“Moving our collateral management off spreadsheets and to Hazeltree’s cloud solution helps us automate responding to calls, focus on collateral exceptions and, generally, streamline the interactions with our ISDA counterparties,” says Tom D’Orsi, Head of Treasury – Capital Markets at Bain Capital. “With Hazeltree, we are able to efficiently stay on top of validating collateral calls daily while freeing up experienced treasury personnel for other value-added finance activities.”
“Bain Capital Credit is a forward-looking firm that understands how treasury and portfolio finance has changed over the past few years,” says Sameer Shalaby, President and Chief Executive Officer of Hazeltree. “We are excited to add Bain Capital Credit to our growing alternative investment community of users and look forward to helping them reduce their operational risk, work more efficiently, and increase the performance of their collateral business.”