Dutch hedge funds, as measured by the Finles/IEX Hollandse hedge fund index, advanced by 0.3 per cent in August.
The index outperformed the liquid global hedge fund indices. Equity markets dropped four per cent in August due to fear for the double dip.
The outperformance of Dutch hedge funds was caused by their relatively defensive positioning. Quant funds and global macro funds profited most in August.
The five best performing fund in August were: DQS Absolute return Fund; Finles Liquid Macro Fund; World View Global Macro Fund; VOC capital Commodity Alpha Fund; and Fonds Bloemendaal.
The funds with the best YTD performance are: Trade Wind Equity Fund; QTR fund; Fonds Bloemendaal; HIQ Invest Market Neutral Fund; and All Markets Fund.
As of 1 September, the Callanish Global Macro Fund has been included in the index. This systematic global macro fund is seeded by IMQubator.
As of 1 October, the Frog Fund will be included in the index. This long/short equity trading fund is managed by Freddy Forger.
The Finles/IEX Dutch hedge fund index will have 29 constituents as of 1 October 2010.