Carey Olsen is extending its legal service offering to include the jurisdictions of the Cayman Islands and the British Virgin Islands (BVI).
Carey Olsen will offer Cayman Islands advice through an experienced team which will include Cayman Islands partners Jason Allison, Nick Bullmore and Jarrod Farley. A formal launch of the Cayman Islands office, including the announcement of new purpose-built premises, will take place in September 2012.
Carey Olsen is also now offering a BVI capability led by Guernsey-based partner Andrew Boyce. Prior to moving to Guernsey, Andrew practised in the BVI and is dual qualified in Guernsey and BVI law.
Alex Ohlsson (pictured), Carey Olsen managing partner, says: “We have encountered an increasing demand for the provision of Cayman Islands and BVI legal advice from our clients and intermediaries. This step has been taken to respond to that demand.
“Our strategic approach has been to identify lawyers of exceptional ability who can replicate the high service standards to which our clients have been accustomed in the jurisdictions from which we operate. We believe that we will have an incredibly strong team in Jason, Nick and Jarrod and a solid platform from which to grow our Cayman Islands offering.”
Bullmore says: “Carey Olsen has an excellent reputation in the offshore legal market particularly in the field of investment funds. The firm’s decision to expand to the Cayman Islands is a strong endorsement of the jurisdiction as a leading offshore financial centre. We are very excited to have the opportunity to develop the Carey Olsen business in the Cayman Islands.”